The Sunday

I woke up in the afternoon. I decided not to bake a cake with poh lun as I had to help my dad in the evening. So I spent my free period to watch a NEW drama.
The title of the drama is Can’t Buy Me Love 公主嫁到 from TVB

Charmaine Sheh is the main actress and also the capricious princess in the drama.Moses Chan is married to her. Charmaine Sheh likes to bully a lot. Everyone is afraid of her in the country.This drama made me laugh out loud.

I planned to swim with my buddies in the evening. Fan Wah fetched me at around 5 pm. Iceman sms Fan Wah that there was no swimming today but only fotsal at night while we were ON THE WAY going to ICC.WTH?! GIVE PEOPLE FONG FEI GEI
Then, I spent the rest of the time to sleep before I had my dinner with family. We planned to play fotsal in Extreme Park in Tambun at 8. I did not play fotsal with them since I woke up at around 8.

Our holiday had started


New Beginning

As you can see, I did not update my blog since donkey's years ago. So, I consider this as a new beginning. My English is not as good as most of my schoolmates because I came from a chinese school. I know that this is not an excuse. I should work hard to improve my English as well as my BM. Well, I do not do something which is meaningless. My main purpose to start blogging again is to improve my English. It is always actions speak louder than words. So, do not laugh at my English!!=)

I started my Form 6 life a few months ago. It is totally different from what I used to face in Form 4 and Form 5. I worked as a bar tender while I was waiting my SPM result to be released. This job has changed me to a better person. Erm.. not a better person actually but I learned how to spend my quality time. I used to play computer games and watch HK dramas often. During that working period, I was very tired to do these stuffs. After a period of time, I felt that I can live without THESE entertainments which I set them as keperluan last time. Now, I start to focus on my studies with only some entertainments. At this juncture, it is hard to find a pivot to balance my studies and entertainments. I feel stressed when I spend too much time on studying but at the same time, I can't play too much =( So, should I consider this situation as a catch 22 situation?

I just came back from my dinner 2 hours ago. It was a terrible and horrible dinner. I arrived at the restaurant at around 7.40p.m. My aunties, my mum and I ordered 3 dishes of food. After waiting for 45 minutes, we still couldn't see any food on our table, but the people who are sitting at the next table were already enjoying their meal although they arrive later than us. I asked the captain,"Excuse me, why they got food geh? We come first geh wor"
"Oh, they order sin geh",the captain replied. I said to myself, "FINE!".
As a matter of fact, I was the one who ordered the food first. I am so sure because when I was heading to the washroom, I saw them entering the restaurant. After that, I saw another table was served with food. WTH?!! they are late comers too.
I complained the captain again,"Yao mou gao chor ah? We come earlier than them"
"Mou lei yao geh, we follow the ORDER geh", the captain answered.
"Cancel jor the order if the food is haven't ready", my mum said. It have been such a long time since I saw my mum's angry face. " Cook gen geh lor, wait a while la", the lady captain replied again. A few minutes later, TWO of the dishes came. When we were eating, we kept complaining that the service there is terrible. "Erm.. The ham dan chicken leh?" I asked.
"I check first", captain said and moved her ass to the kitchen."Oh, we have sent the dish to another table wrongly. I have asked the chef to cook a new one for you"
"Just cancel it", my mum said with a dulan face. Then, the owner came to our table and apologized to us. Before she managed to finish her sentence,my mum and aunties started to complain. It was so scary. That is why people say, do not offend women. Well, this incident is not that bad after all as we got the rice and drinks for free.
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